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BLCU Spring Semester 2010


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Hi all, I finished uni in the UK this year (im 21) and have just got my place for the 12 week course at BLCU starting in March! :D

I have to say I'm a little nervous about the whole registration thing; Im bound to lose some documents plus not being sure of a place to stay is a bit scary! I hope there are other people out their in the same boat, and hope that I meet up with some of you in March!

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to my knowledge, bb in china are only for corporate accounts. however, you could purchase a china mobile or unicom sim card and buy prepaid cards to charge credits. you can purchase prepaid cards virtually anywhere in the city ranging from 10, 30, 50, and 100 kuai.

the only way for you to have a regular cellphone acocunt is if you get a chinese person to create an account for you using their name.

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Hi all - new user here from Australia! Hopefully I'll be meeting some of you in a few weeks' time.

I submitted my application for the 12 week course starting on 29 March 2010 (4hr/day) on 26 January, and then on 31 January sent scans of the required documents to zhaosh4@blcu.edu.cn with a brief e-mail (in Chinese) (I tried CC'ing it to zhaosh2@blcu.edu.cn but it kept on bouncing with an error message).

I still haven't got a response yet and it seems like others here who are doing the same course have already got everything sorted.

I e-mailed BLCU today asking them (in English) to confirm that they had received my documents, but nothing yet.

I think I should probably try and call them to see if everything's OK. The start date is approaching fast and I still need to get a visa..

Does anyone know if BLCU staff are still on holiday for Chinese NY?

Pleased to meet you all and thanks in advance :)

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Spring Festival officially ended on Friday - Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be normal working days. I do not know what kind of schedule Chinese educational institutions follow in Beijing, but they should definitely be back in the office today, Monday.

You should just call them.

BLCU's Admission Office for Foreign Students' telephone number is:

+86-10-82303951, 82303086, 82303088

Good luck.

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I'm arriving on wednesday(24th feb) in the morning. Is there any chance getting a single room dorm on-campus, or are they all taken? I'm staying for one semester and I still havent found a place to live in, hehe :help

And btw, I read in another thread that I need several passport sized photos to the registration process... Anyone knows exactly how many is needed? And what other documents is needed except passport and the admission letter?


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Hi guys, phew... was really busy with work, and with Chinese New Year here and all, didn't have time to check the forums for quite a while..

just want to give a shout out: thanks to BrianUS for his useful replies!

I'll be flying into Beijing this Friday morning and arriving in the afternoon..

you know what we all should do? put a name tag with our forum nicks when we queue up for registration :)

I'll be @ BLCU for 1 semester, figured that the conference centre was the most hassle-free.

if there's anyone else staying at the conference centre, feel free to contact me

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Hi all, I'm going to land in Beijing on the 25th of March (I'll have to find somewhere to live until the course starts) I haven't booked any accomodation yet, I read somewhere that there isn't much point until registration day - should I be worried? Also I'll be alone until the course starts and would love to meet up with some English speakers! Will anyone else be hanging around in the days leading up to the start? If so where do people think would be a good place to stay? I'm terrified but so excited!

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hey guys,

just want to clarify what documents that we need, from what i read from Brian US post, it seems we should have ALOT of documents.

ATM, I have with me a COPY of JW202, admission notice, 3 Passport Photos (would this be sufficient or i need more>), and a copy receipt for TT tuition fee (I email BLCU telling them that I will pay difference in foreign exchange in cash when i register). What else would I need for registration? Can we register before the 26-28feb?

If i will be staying in an apartment will i need the police thingy (forgot what its called)?

So afraid that something will go wrong with the registration and it will take days to resolve it.

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Things are easier to process than you think. There are english-speaking chinese volunteers during enrollment and they can help you with the procedure. If not, look for english-speaking foreign students.

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Hi pokipoki, chriso11 I will be arriving in Beijing on 26th and will be staying @ the CC.

Would be great to meet up!

Not sure how to organise the meet up- but I am open to all suggestions

See you all soon and if anyone would like to catch up as well, feel free to contact



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So I called the University and finally got through today. The girl on the other end didn't speak English but I managed to muddle through a conversation in Chinese. She said she couldn't find the e-mail I had sent with my documents but to re-send it to a different e-mail address. I was told that I should have a response tonight but still haven't got anything.

I'm starting to think it would have been a lot better to send hard copies of everything :P

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