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Tsinghua University Chinese Courses


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I can't speak for the SA Embassy, but I would hope that if you turn up with whatever emailed, scanned or faxed documents you can get and explain the situation, they'll give you a tourist visa. Good luck.

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I noticed this on the ISO website about their hours, it says that up until the 16th they are open for these hours: The duty-shift time of ISO is 8:30-11:30 & 13:30-16:30, Monday to Friday, with duty-shift telephone +86-10-62788195. So there are greatly reduced hours for you to get in touch with someone at the desk. And definitely send the same inquiries to the GBJ contacts and the grad@tsinghua.edu.cn address just in hopes someone will see it ASAP.

The first thing I would do is just send an email to the ISO saying that your original documents never arrived, and the embassy wont give you a visa so you might not be able to register on the 22nd or 23rd. I read that if you fail to notify them that you won't be there to register on those days you can forfeit your admission to the program. So just make sure you are clear to them that if they don't send you a new admission package in time you can't be there for the start of school. As well, just ask them to stamp and fax all the documents to you that you would need for the visa. Maybe you can use them instead of the originals because your circumstances are rather unusual and dire. Just so I understand correctly, you already called and emailed the Chinese embassy in SA to tell them about your situation and they said there was nothing they could do without the original documents? If your package got lost and they faxed the documents instead just see what they say. I would just push the embassy on this because they are the ones you can actually get into contact with.

I know that you probably already thought of all these things, and this whole situation would already be sorted if someone at the ISO would just answer their email or phone calls in a timely manner. You aren't the first and won't be the last for this to happen and I am confident that you will get it sorted out in time, despite how incredibly frustrating it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking at Tsing hua, BLCU and BNU as my possible options for Spring 2014. For background, I'm Korean and I'm at about HSK 4 level in Chinese. Can anyone compare Tsinghua to any of these schools? I think Tsinghua's a little more expensive than the other ones. Why did you choose the program here? (I'm sure you were also comparing your options. What made you lean towards Tsinghua?)

Thanks a bunch, please help a sister out!!!

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Did you read this?

Actually, I keep meaning to post a follow up to that as my second semester at Tsinghua was WAY BETTER than the first.

I chose Tsinghua because...

-It is prestigious and is extremely well regarded in China.

-It seems like, outside of China, if someone looks them up, they will also see the reputation.

-I had heard from various people BLCU was a party University.

-Tsinghua has a nice campus environment - Sports, Cafes, Nice scenery in places, Quiet, good libraries... lots of Canteens, choices of places to eat... etc

-Tsinghua's application process was far more efficient / responsive than Renmin and Peking U.

-There are many Chinese students at Tsinghua which, before I went, seemed like it would make it easier to meet / make Chinese friends. Actually, it doesn't really. I would say, regardless of where you live or study, It depends how much effort you make yourself.

- At the time, I don't remember Tsinghua being more expensive.

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Hi ChTTay, Thanks a lot for your respone. I didn't read that before, but it's going to help me a lot now. Yeah, I've been contacting Peking U. and it's been impossible to talk to them over summer break. I also visited them over my visit to China this summer, which was pretty disastrous. Just a question-- how do you really make chinese friends if you don't have them in your dorm, class, inter-cultural events? are foreign students allowed to join their clubs?

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Join a club (you can join the clubs at Tsinghua, they aren't exclusively for Chinese students)

Just go and join in with people casually playing basketball / football / volleyball (everyday on campus)

Go to a language corner

Start talking to people around campus (if they are sat in a cafe studying for IELTS/TOEFL for example)

Use WECHAT (Chinese What's App) to find people "nearby" while you are on campus. They will most likely be students

Advertise for a language partner... become friends... become friends with their friends

Go to events

Tsinghua has a buddy program so actually contacting/making an effort with your buddy

If you can make friends easily in your home country, you can probably make friends here too.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'd like to know what is my chance of being accepted to Tsinghua University for Chinese Language Program (1 year)? Is it guarrantee that I will be 100% accepted if I submit all the required documents? I'm from Indonesia and I know about 300 characters in chinese.

Should I apply through Tsinghua University directly? Or go through CUCAS?

Thanks a lot for the reply!

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It seems like the chances are very high but you really think someone in an internet forum can give a 100% guarantee and it means something?

Just apply, do your best and see what happens.

As for the application, I found the Tsinghua system very easy/response. I would apply directly to them.

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HI ChTTay,

Thanks for your reply! My reason of asking the above question is that because I'd like to know how compettitve is the admission. So that, from there, I can gauge whether there is a need to have a backup plan (for example, apply to BLCU at the same time). Now it seems that the admission is not competitive. Thanks a lot again for your help!

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I don't know anyone that didn't get in... BUT then again, everyone I met at Tsinghua... had obvious already got into Tsinghua :)

One of my friends applied too late and didn't get in BUT BLCU applications were still open so he went there for a semester, then switched.

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  • 6 months later...

Does anyone know if its possible to switch levels, either go up or go down a level, after the placement test?

I mean, lets say i feel the level i am admitted to is difficult or easy for me, can i ask to change to a different one?


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  • 2 weeks later...


I've been meaning to write a new post or add to that post about my second semester. My second semester was 10 times better than the first in terms of teaching, in fact, if i had had the second semesters teachers first, then the first semesters teachers in my second term, i would have probably complained.

At the time, first semesters teachers who ok to good... But what did I know about the standard of education in China? Or what to expect from this course? I did still learn a lot. I guess, I'm just trying to say its a credit to my second semester teachers rather than a complaint about the first semester ones.

My advice would be, whatever level they put you in, try the same level at a different time of day (if you are given morning, try afternoon) and compare the teachers. You can't move across the same level and the same time (eg elementary A morning to EB morning), so it would mean changing time of classes. Alternatively, if you want to move up or down, try a bunch of classes at that level, at different times in morning/afternoon and pick the best teachers.

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