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So I send the required documents to tsinghua via e-mail a week ago and got this reply the day after:

Thank you for applying for our program. We have received your application documents.

Does this mean they approved my application or are they in the process of doing that? The online application fee payment system is not yet activated if i log into the online application system. Do I have to wait for another e-mail message or can I already pay the application fee. My status is still 'verified'. I have e-mailed them but still haven't got a reply :-?.

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Hi 張伯軒!

I actually got a place for an exchange with Dalian University of Technology through my own university.

I applied for the Chinese Language Program there, so I will probably not go to Tsinghua anymore.

Good luck with your studies!


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>>Does this mean they approved my application or are they in the process of doing that? The online application fee payment system is not yet activated if i log into the online application system. Do I have to wait for another e-mail message or can I already pay the application fee. My status is still 'verified'. I have e-mailed them but still haven't got a reply .

The status will change to something like "congratulations, you have been accepted to ... " when you have been accepted onto the program. They will send you an email and update the website.

You will need to pay the "application fee" (400rmb??) before they will accept you though. The link to the payment page was in the email they sent me when they confirmed receiving my documents i think.q

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Ah ok.

The e-mail I received where they confirmed they received my documents did contain a link but thats just the homepage and not a link to the payment page. This is what I literally got as a reply:

Thank you for applying for our program. We have received your application documents.


Best regards,

Mayby they are still looking into my documents and I have to wait for another e-mail for the application fee? But heck thats almost a week ago. Or should I just pay the application fee now? I think I will then let an acquaintance of mine in Beijing pay the fee in person at Tsinghua in my behalf. Its not very clear what I have to do now...

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I received an email asking for payment exactly one week after i had been "verified".

You also may not be aware that it has been a holiday this past week. I have had around 7 days off so I imagine the student office staff have had at lesst some time off. I would give it until Wednesday.

The email said;

The application process is waiting for your payment of application fee.

Please log into the online application system for international students at Tsinghua University, check "My Applications" for the application waiting for payment and pay.

You may pay by your credit card, or entrust somebody else to pay or pay by yourself with RMB cash at the Foreign Student Affairs Office of Tsinghua University. DO NOT transfer money or send cash enclosed in envelops to the office or the staff. Otherwise you will take full responsibility for any possible loss.

The third party payment service is provided by PayEase), which supports credit cards issued by China Unionpay, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and JCB. If you encountered problems in the payment process, please contact the customer service of PayEase.

Once paid, the application fee is not refundable at all, regardless of the result of the admission. The applicant will not be admitted or the admission will be canceled if the application fee is not paid, the payment is failed or rejected by the credit card holder, etc.

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  • 1 month later...
  • New Members

Anderx, I have the same problem.

I have been admitted into Tsinghua for fall 13, but I'm planning to take the spring 14 semester there as well.

All those people attending Tsinghua for fall 13 - where are you from, and what are your ages? :)

Starting with myself: 24 years old, turning 25 in September, from Denmark.

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Hey guys, I am currently a student at Tsinghua's Chinese language program. I initially decided that this would be my last semester at Tsinghua but now, I have had a change of heart and have decided to continue on to next semester. However, seeing that the deadline for application to continue and payment of the fees was last friday, is it still possible that Tsinghua allows me to continue? I hope I don't have to go through the whole application process again like when I first applied. Does anyone know a person who was allowed to register after the payment deadline? Thanks and sorry for the long post.

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Why don't you just go and ask Tsinghua? You are still here, right?

Both the education office in C building and the Foreign students office in Building 22 are still open.

Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys

So I received an e-mail that I have been admitted for the language program this fall semester, yey :D . Has the admission package already been sent out or has anyboby received their package yet? Couldn't find the DHL tracking number in my online-application system. How long does it usually take?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I STILL havent recieved my admission package from Tsinghua university and while I do have a tracking number now, it says my package has been "NULL" in Guangzhou airport since 25 July. The phone number given by the China post website just doesn't work so I can't even follow up on the delay.

I've e-mailed the university about this and asked them to issue me a replacement package via a private courier for which I'm willing to carry all the costs, unfortunately i haven't recieved a reply.

Running out of ideas here, without the actual admission package I can't apply for my x-visa and I don't have the resources to go through all the red tape surrounding converting a tourist visa.

Please help...

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Ladies and gentlemen, let's help our colleague MockCharge. I know the staff at International office at most universities in China rarely respond to emails. What we need to do is find someone (especially a foreigner) studying at Tsinghua. That person can help to push the admission office at Tsinghua to expedite the processing of admission letter replacement. There are very few South Africans studying in China, during my time, we only had one South African in my city, but I guess it's not a difficult task to identify students on this forum studying at Tsinghua who can help you. Those in Beijing, please let's help MockCharge

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I am also going to be studying at Tsinghua, may I ask what program you are studying? I have got very quick responses from my contacts so perhaps a different route will be necessary for you. Did you call the Foreign Students Office? Other students who had problems like yours used skype credits for example to actually call them and talk to the person manning the reception. I'm assuming that you found out from the embassy officials what the scenario is about entering on a tourist visa?

Did you contact all of these departments by email yet? (http://is.tsinghua.edu.cn/EN/contact/iso.html) Did you contact the administrator for your specific program yet? Sorry I can't contact you through PM because I can't use that function yet on these forums....

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Best thing would be to call them, not email. As suggested above you should use skype to save money on long distance calling.

Also, they might be on holiday right now or when you have sent those emails. Recently its been the Chinese summer holidays so Universities and schools have been off.

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@TaiKongren @ChTTay I'm studying Global Business Journalism. I've phoned the GBJ office and the ISO but no one's answered. I assume the offices are closed during summer so getting replies and answers to my phone calls have been very hit and miss. Maybe you can help me out with a contact? I'll definitely try and reach my course co-coordinator as well.

@roddy Was referring to the three month bank statement with "sufficient funds" and also the hotel reservations that you have to show? Also, the roundtrip ticket.

That's the information I received from the Embassy website in South Africa.

I really appreciate everyone's advice though. You've all been incredibly helpful.

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