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Signese Revival 25

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


This was at some enormous rural restaurant where they'd decided it was just too much hassle to have waiters.

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Signese Revival 24

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


Please cross by the "9 dead, 19 injured" sign we saw earlier...

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Signese Revival 23

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone. 


Canalside north of Xizhimen? Not entirely sure.

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Signese Revival 22

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


Mo' books, mo' problems.

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Signese Revival 21

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


This'd make a great HSK reading question.

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Signese Revival 20

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


This was by Soong Ching Ling's old residence, part of which I think doubled up as barracks, perhaps guarding various high-ranking locals.

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Restaurant Menu: Guiyang 2011

This place was a pretty basic operation.  The 老板 saw me taking a photo of their wall menu (with a camera! not a smartphone) and told me to hang on a minute while he went in the back to fish out one of these.


You kind of get the feeling they made the table and then just came up with dishes until it was filled up.




If only I knew then what I know now... I'd be all over the 折耳根炒腊肉


Signese Revival 19

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone. 


I don't recall if the other side finished it off...

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Signese Revival 18

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


This was at, I think, Badaling. I recall one customer asking what would happen if someone was desperate and had no money: "We'd let them use it, of course. We're all human."

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Signese Revival 17

One fairly random photo of Chinese characters in action, per week, until sometime in 2018. And perhaps longer if I'm encouraged. Those who want to contribute their own random photos of Chinese characters are welcome, just get in touch and I'll add you to the contributor list so you can post directly, from computer or phone.


Early Internet slang?

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Admonition at the dining table

The saunas 洗浴 I visit all have something similar to this on prominent display as a tabletop sign of some sort in the dining room where free lunch and supper buffets are served. This one was just slid under the glass. These have been a prominent fixture for several years. Loosely enforced, if at all. Still, a reminder as to what constitutes suggested behavior.





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